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Dots In The Matrix And The World Wide Bank
3 January 2020
by aurelien-laine

Crowd Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

A while back, I wrote a short blog post about Plato’s cave and how I think it is connected to the way we use Facebook. I have been thinking about existence ever since, trying to educate myself on the subject, and how it relates to the modern world. As of late and more than anything else, I think …

Sanhoo-Joliwon - Post-Natal Facility in South Korea
20 May 2018
by aurelien-laine


If you live in South Korea and are building your family, chances are that you will come across the painful conversation of having to shell out millions of wons for a post-natal facility, called Sanhoo-joliwon (산후조리원) that I will shorten to joliwon for simplicity. These facilities are quite unique to South Korea and are used by …

Facebook, Plato and Life In a Simulation
1 February 2018
by aurelien-laine

The Cave Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

I have been thinking about Elon Musk’s assertion that we most likely live in a simulation for a long time for several reasons. First, the implications are mind blowing, in the sense that most of our minds would actually blow as we wouldn’t be able to process the information without …